I Video-Stories Contest

I Video-Stories Contest. BASIS:
1. Any original stories in English will be admitted to the contest, no matter its topic.
2. The length of the story will depend on the category to which the learner belongs. Those stories containing either more or less words than those specified for each category, will not be accepted in the contest. However, learners from lower categories will be able to decide if they want to participate in superior categories.
3. Each video story will include the name and course of the participant in it.
4. ONLY SAFA-Si learners enrolled during the present course will be allowed to participate in the contest and their participation will be either individual or in pairs.
5. The stories will be handed-in to the English Department before 21 st March 2022 for revision (if needed) and the video-stories will be sent to both emails cmedina@safasi.com and gdiaz@safasi.com until April 4.
6. There will be 3 different categories of participation:
. Level 1: 1º y 2º ESO (150-300 words)
. Level 2: 3º y 4º ESO (200-400 words)
. Level 3: 1º y 2º Bach (300-500 words)
7. The jury (all members of the English Department), will award one only prize to each level of participation Such prizes will be handed in by the school (Colegio Episcopal Sagrada Familia) by World Book Day (April 23)
8. The jury, whose decision will not be open to appeal, may declare any prize unclaimed or «ex aequo» (the prize might be shared by two different participants from the same category).
9. The video stories awarded will be published in the school’s website.
10. The fact of participating in the context will involve the acceptance of the conditions previously mentioned.

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